Have Some Faith! Attend a Christian College

IF YOU THINK YOU MIGHT WANT a faith-based education you’ll want to explore what a Christian college can offer. Knowledge is power when deciding whether to consider and/or attend a Christian or regular secular school. So we asked Eric Matanyi, Assistant Vice President for communications at Concordia University Chicago (CUC) and Jeff Weber, Executive Director of Enrollment at Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) to respond to some of the most common questions about Christian colleges.

Coursework and majors

Both Matanyi and Weber say that Christian and secular schools offer much of the same coursework and majors. The most prominent difference is that Christian culture is woven into the curriculum at Christian schools.

“Students are taught to be leaders by being willing to serve others,” says Weber. “[They] have the freedom to worship and explore and expand their faith by being taught by Christian professors.”

Matanyi adds that Christian colleges “are generally the only option for students who wish to pursue careers in church work.” For instance CUC offers specialty degrees in theology Lutheran teacher education deaconess studies and parish music.

Admission requirements

Like secular schools Christian schools evaluate grades test scores and student involvement but Matanyi says they also look for students who have a desire to serve others.

Weber says the requirements depend on the school. “It ranges from nothing different … to a formal spiritual and behavioral covenant that must be signed by the prospective student. These covenants are scripturally based … Ours is … a check box that a student must acknowledge that they have reviewed [them]. It is simply about managed mutual expectations.”

A typical day

Weber says a typical day is the same experienced by a secular student but may include a chapel service or a theology course. He says WLC chapel services are “well attended” despite being voluntary.

“Students have the opportunity to become involved with numerous campus organizations including musical groups student government intramural sports art club and much more,” says Matanyi. “[We] hold daily chapel services have faith and ministry worship and offer youth ministry opportunities.”


WLC offers many of the same activities found at secular schools plus options like choral and contemporary Christian music groups small group Bible study and service opportunities.

At CUC students have the opportunity to take part in unique serving opportunities including mission trips student-led worship and Christian youth ministry teams.


As for the benefits of attending a Christian college Weber says it will “serve your spiritual and academic needs in a God-pleasing balance. We are not simply going to equip you with a vocation. We are going to equip you with an education and assist you with the exploration of how to use your gifts to serve others.”

Matanyi agrees that it will strengthen one’s commitment to serve others. “[It also provides] an integration of values and ethics in the classroom as well as a personalized experience where they are seen as an individual and not a number; a rich background that leads to success at home at work and in the community; and a positive balance between academics and social/personal development.”

If you’re seeking answers to something bigger than that English 201 pop quiz a Christian college may be a good place to look. You’ll get the academic skills to pursue the career of your choosing opportunities to serve others and the support of those who share your faith. Another trinity worth celebrating!

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