10 Myths About College

With so much misinformation out there what can you believe? Here are 10 myths about college that we can confirm are NOT true.

1. YOU CAN’T CHANGE YOUR MAJOR AFTER SOPHOMORE YEAR. Some estimates say that 80% of college students change their major at least once. And although most students will declare their major by the end of their sophomore year some decide later that they’ve chosen the wrong path. Technically you can change your major at any point.

2. YOU NEED TO HAVE A CERTAIN SAT/ACT SCORE. While some more selective schools may require a certain score to be considered most schools use a holistic approach to admissions. That means they’ll also look at things like grades honors and AP classes extracurricular activities recommendations volunteer work legacy and your admissions essay.

3. LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS CAN’T GET JOBS. Actually liberal arts majors are well suited for today’s job market because they’ve acquired a broad range of communication skills. Technical skills can be taught but “people skills” can’t.

4. YOU’LL LIVE ON PIZZA AND RAMEN NOODLES. Most colleges now offer incredible selections of healthy food at all hours at affordable prices.

5. YOU CAN’T TAKE A PET TO COLLEGE. Most schools allow fish some welcome birds hamsters gerbils etc. and a few allow dogs and/or cats.

6. YOUR INCOME WILL BE BASED ON WHERE YOU WENT TO COLLEGE. For most students individual characteristics—like ambition—play a bigger role in earnings than alma mater. Work hard and take on leadership roles and you’ll be fine wherever you are.

7. GREEK LIFE IS FOR PARTIERS. Fraternities and sororities offer more than nonstop invites. From camaraderie and support to community service projects and affordable housing there are plenty of non-party reasons to consider Greek life.

8. YOU CAN’T AFFORD COLLEGE. Between grants loans scholarships and work-study almost everyone can find a way to pay for college.

9. ONLY THE BEST STUDENTS GET FINANCIAL AID. While merit-based financial aid is awarded on accomplishments need-based financial aid is based on your ability to pay.

10. PRIVATE COLLEGES ARE MORE SELECTIVE. Although there are more “top-ranked” private schools than public schools there are plenty of prestigious and selective public schools as well. And there are many fine private schools that don’t require you to be at the top of your class to be admitted.

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