The In-Person Interview: How To Go In Prepared

NOTHING WILL HELP ADMISSIONS OFFICIALS get to know you better than the face-to-face interview. Your job is to make sure that’s a GOOD thing!

We won’t bother telling you to stay relaxed. You’ll probably be a little nervous. But you can help alleviate some of that anxiety by preparing. That means practicing answers to some of the most common questions applicants are asked. These include things like:

Be prepared to do some interviewing of your own. You want to let the college know that you’re interested in finding the best college for you—just like they’re interested in finding the best students for their school. A typical interview takes 30 to 60 minutes and is usually conducted by an admissions officer though a student or alumnus could do it. If you’re lucky enough to get a current or former student feel free to ask some nonacademic questions to get an inside scoop. Questions like “What fraternity has the best reputation?” or “What’s the most popular class?” or “Which dorm is best?” are appropriate (unless you make it sound like you’re only looking to party!).

Many schools will not require an interview at all. But if you feel like your personality can outshine a less-than-stellar GPA or SAT score an in-person meeting could be your saving grace.

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