Is a Christian College Right for You?

Attending a christian college might feel like a leap of faith for some, but the more you know about what academics and campus life are like, the more informed you’ll be when deciding if a faith-based school is right for you. In order to give our readers insight, we asked some experts from Christian colleges to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions.

How Is Faith Woven Into Academics And Campus Life?

“Faith is woven into all aspects of college life at a Christian college,” says Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU) Director of Admissions Will Brantley. “Not only do you study through the lens of faith, but also your professors take that a step further and train students how to live a life that integrates their faith into their vocation. Our student life, residence life and spiritual life teams help students learn how to live that faith out in their everyday life while they are in college and … once they leave the comfort of the Christian college setting.”

At Liberty University (VA), there is a strong emphasis on incorporating a biblical worldview into every class. “From psychology to biology to interior design, God is put first,” says Brendan Hegarty, operations coordinator for resident enrollment. “There are also prayer groups and an evening church service to help facilitate relationships among students.”

Steve Landgraf, undergraduateadmission counselor at Concordia University Chicago, says that although religion isn’t covered in every course, “the Gospel is at the center of everything we do.”

What Are The Expectations For Attending Chapel, Going On Missions, Etc.?

At OBU, students are required to attend 96 chapel services during their four years of undergraduate study.“We have a wide array of mission and service opportunities,” Brantley says.“We don’t require participation, but we greatly encourage students to give back in some way.”

Concordia University Chicago offers optional weekday chapel services. No classes are held during chapel so students have the flexibility to attend as they wish. The school offers students a variety of opportunities to serve through local, domestic and international missions, but participation is not required.

“Liberty requires convocation three times each week for students to gather, worship and hear from experienced leaders in the business, political and spiritual spheres,” Hegarty says. “There are also Christian or community service hours incorporated into each semester, with additional opportu-nities to go on both domestic and international mission trips.”

What Are Some Of The Most Popular Majors?

Brantley says that OBU’s most popular majors are nursing, education, business, theology and ministry.

At Concordia University Chicago, education, music, business, nursing, criminal justice, psychology, biology and exercise science are all very popular.

At Liberty, the top five majors are business, psychology, religion, education and nursing.

What Careers Or Degrees Do Graduates Pursue?

For OBU graduates, the top industries for employment are nursing, education and business, and the top graduate school programs are medical school, seminary and programs in the social sciences or science.

“Many of our students pursue a K-12 teaching career,” Landgraf says. “A large number also pursue careers in business, ranging from accounting to marketing to management.”

In addition to its many undergraduate programs, Liberty offers many graduate degrees, including religion, business and biomedical sciences. Hegarty points out that Liberty has notable alumni who are pastors, reporters, professional athletes and political campaign managers.

In other words, going to a Christian college doesn’t box you into any single path!

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