SCOTTEVEST® (SeV) makes clothing that enables Blackberry, iPod and Bluetooth into its RAZR-thin patented personal area network, connecting all your wireless gadgets while hiding them in your clothing’s pockets.
Although SeV offers a more business-like collection with all-season jackets, slacks and ties (think job interview for that summer internship!), the company is seeing a surge in its lounge clothing, which is more popular with super-casual college kids. The line includes hoodies, t-shirts, pullovers, shorts, and baseball caps.
One of the more popular pieces, the hidden cargo pants, features 11 hidden pockets and compartments but look like regular khakis. The unique No Bulge™ layered pocket design allows you to carry all your gear without unsightly lumps and bumps. Better still, the 100% cotton fabric is Teflon® treated for water and stain resistance. (Great for sitting on the sideline at a muddy football game!) They currently sell for about $80 on SeV’s Web site and come in tan, black and army green.
The idea was hatched by SeV’s CEO, Scott Jordan, who wanted a way to not only carry all his electronic gadgets, but also use them without getting tangled in wires. He enlisted the help of an expert design team that found a way to incorporate conduits throughout the interior of a garment, allowing users to connect all their electronic devices to their headsets/earbuds and each other (like a PDA to a cell phone). It was important to Jordan that the clothes not only be lightweight, comfortable and attractive, but also that they contain no electronic components or wires.
Originally, SeV’s products were only available through the company’s Web site and through limited retail outlets like Brookstone and the International Spy Museum. (Even President Bush’s Secret Service detail praised the products!) But the company has seen such a demand that it’s now in negotiations with numerous department stores and high-end specialty retailers. In the meantime, you can send hints to your family by emailing them your wish list – and a link to – a few weeks before graduation. Don’t forget to include your sizes – give or take “The Freshman 15.”
editor’s note: Part of SeV’s marketing campaign is its parody of Apple’s popular iPod commercials featuring dancing silhouettes. The commercial became an instant hit. Check it out yourself at